New Kopassus Number 2 helped form militia in East Timor in 1999

The TNI has promoted U.S.-trained Col. Widyotomo Nugroho to Deputy Commander of Kopassus. Nugroho took IMET courses in intelligence.

The Masters of Terror (MOT),which mispells his name as Wioyotomo Nugroho, says he served as SGI intelligence head in 1998 and possibly early 1999 in East Timor, where took "an active role in setting up the militia," SGI centers served as torture houses during the Indonesian occupation.

James Dunn in a report to the UN wrote that Nugroho "exercised a key responsibility in the TNI/militia command structure and his role be much worse than 23 years ago.’ Militia witnesses allege that he issued orders to kill. Is accused of sexual attack on Timorese woman.'

Allan Nairn told the U.S. Congress on September 30, 1999, that "Nugroho, who was the on the ground coordinator for the militias in the initial months of their operation," was a graduate "of U.S. IMET and intelligence training."

This is the complete MOT entry follows

LtCol Wioyotomo Nugroho

Commander of the Combined Intelligence Task Force (Satuan Gabungan Intelijen, SGI), Dili

According to a report by David Jenkins, Nugroho was at the centre of East Timor operations until about December 1998 or January 1999, taking an active role in setting up the militias.[1] One source says that he was reassigned to Jakarta early in 1999.[2]

SGI ran a series of interrogation centres much feared by East Timorese activists for the torture it conducted, among other counter-insurgency activities. Almost nothing is known of who staffed the SGI. Other officers named as SGI 'commanders' in 1999 are LtCol Yayat Sudrajat and Col Anwar. Yet another is Capt Siburian.[3]


Wioyotomo Nugroho graduated from the military academy in 1983 and is known to have taken two training courses in the US funded by IMET (International Military Education and Training), the first in intelligence while he was a captain, the second possibly in airborne combat.[4]

David Jenkins lists him as 'Kopassus intelligence chief', but given his rank of Lieutenant Colonel this is more likely to mean that he was assistant for intelligence to the commander-general of Kopassus (Asintel Danjen Kopassus) rather than commander of Kopassus' Group IV (Intelligence/ Secret Warfare). He may have doubled in this position as Commander of the Combined Intelligence Task Force (Satuan Gabungan Intelijen, SGI) in East Timor, a position he apparently held since at least June 1998.[5] Some time in 1999 he took up a position in personnel in Kopassus.



[1] David Jenkins, 'Indonesian military's dirty tricks brigade unleashed on Timor', Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July 1999.
[2] Tomas Goncalves interview on Radio Hilversum, 6 October 1999.
[3] 'Fortilos: Apa yang harus dilakukan?', MateBEAN, 31 August 1999.
[4] David Jenkins, 'Indonesian military's dirty tricks brigade unleashed on Timor', Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July 1999.
[5] 'Referendum bakal munculkan perang saudara di Timtim', Republika, 30 June 1998.

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