Uma Media Rejional Baucau Ofisialmente loke

Uma Media Rejional Baucau Ofisialmente loke

Atu publika imediatamente 19 Agostu 2009

Baucau, Timor-Leste –Uma Media Rejional Baucau ofisialmente inagura ohin, tinan ida resin hafoin uma media ne’e hahu serbi media sira iha distritu leste nian Lautem, Viqueque, no Baucau, hahu 2008.

Uma media fo benefisiu barak ona ba jornalista Timor oan sira, liu-liu reporter sira iha distritu, ne’ebe iha tempo pasadu tenke ba to’o Dili atu asesu rekursu sira ne’ebe mak agora disponivel ona iha uma media.

Jornalista sira bele asesu internet gratuita no bele empresta sasan sira hanesan gravador no kamera dijital no mos sasan eskritoriu sira seluk.

Importante liu tan liu husi uma media ne’e mak jornalista sira bele asesu ba formasaun jornalizmu sira ne’ebe halao bebeik no mos formasaun sira iha area jestaun, finansa, no publisidade ne’ebe halao husi treinador ICFJ sira.

Objetivu prinsipal ida tan husi uma media mak atu hasa’e sasulik informasaun iha rejiaun laran. Manuel Ximenes, koordenador uma media servisu hamutuk ho administrador distritu no autoriedade lokal sira no mos diresaun UN nian iha baze no diresaun ba informasaun publiku atu bele kria meio foun no inovativu sira atu disemina informasaun no atu komplementa mos servisu estasaun radio komunidade nian.

Uma media Baucau agora dadaun iha fatin operasaun rua, ida mak iha Baucau Buka Hatene ne’ebe VSAT no server tau ba, no ida seluk tan iha fatin servisu Timor Post nian.

Uma media Baucau hahu funsiona iha Janeiru 2008. Uma media sira seluk ne’ebe mos halao operasaun ona mak hanesan iha Dili, Ermera, Suai no Oe-cusse. Uma media Oe-cusse sei loke ofisialmente iha 4 Setembru. Uma media Suai sei iha abertura ofisial ida ne’ebe sei akontese iha meio fulan Outubro nian. Uma media iha futuru potensialmente inklui Maubisse (distritu Ainaro), no iha Balibo (distritu Bobonaro).

Uma media Baucau ne’e mai husi inisiativa konjunta husi Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Leste (AJTL), Sindikatu Jornalista Timor Leste (SJTL), Centru Jornalista Investigativu Timor Leste (CJITL), the Timor-Leste Photographers Association (TiLPA), Asosiasaun Radio Komuidade Timor Leste (ARKTL), no International Center For Journalists (ICFJ), no hanesan sentru segundu husi grupu lima ne’ebe estabelese dadaun iha Dili, Baucau, Ermera, Suai, no Oe-Cusse.

Estabelesimentu rede Uma Media Rejional sira iha nasaun ne’e projeitu ida ne’ebe posivel liu husi projeitu ba tinan lima nian ho valor orsamentu tokon US$ 5.6 ba programa “Strengthening Independent Media Program” ka programa hametin media independente ne’ebe hetan suporta konjunta husi USAID no AusAID.

Uma Media Rejional Baucau Officially Opens

Uma Media Rejional Baucau Officially Opens

For Immediate Release August 19, 2009

Baucau, Timor-Leste – The Baucau Regional Media House or Uma Media Rejional, was today officially inaugurated, more than one year after it started serving the media in the eastern districts of Lautem, Viqueque, and Baucau, in early 2008.

The media house has greatly benefited Timorese journalists, in particular, district based reporters, most of whom in the past had to travel to Dili to access resources now available through the media house.

Journalists have free access to the internet, and are able to borrow equipment such as tape recorders and digital cameras as well as basic stationery.

Most importantly through the media house, journalists have access to ongoing journalism training as well as other training in management, finance, and advertising conducted by ICFJ trainers.

One other main objective of the media house is to increase the flow of information in the region. Manuel Ximenes, the media house coordinator, is working with the District Administration and local authorities as well as the UN’s public outreach office and Public Information office to come up with new and innovative ways to disseminate information, and to complement the work the community radio stations are doing.

The Baucau media house currently has two main sites of operation, one located at the premises of the Baucau Learning Centre where the VSAT and server are located, and the other one attached to the Timor Post bureau.

The Baucau media house became operational in January 2008. Other media houses already in operation are located in Dili, Ermera, Suai and Oe-cusse. The Oe-cusse House will open, officially, on September 4th. The Suai Media House will have an official opening in mid-October. Future media houses potentially include Maubisse (Ainaro District), and in Balibo (Bobonaro District).

The media house in Baucau, is a joint initiative by the Timor-Leste Journalists Association (AJTL), the Syndicate for Journalists Timor-Leste (SJTL), the Centre for Investigative Journalists (CJITL), the Timor-Leste Photographers Association (TILPA), the Community Radio Association Timor-Leste (ARKTL), and the International Center For Journalists (ICFJ), and is the second center of a group of five being established in Dili, Baucau, Ermera, Suai, and Oe-Cusse.

The establishment of a network of Regional Media Houses in the country is one of the projects made possible by the five-year, US$ 5.6 million “Strengthening Independent Media Program” jointly supported by USAID and AusAID.

LABEH halao primeiru kampana nasional hasoru korupsaun iha Timor Leste

Moras malaria domina hospital Ainaro


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    Proposal Penawaran VSAT C_Band ( Media Enciety Network )
    Roy Candramawan Hadianto
    View Contact
    Kepada Yth,

    Dengan Hormat :

    Kami dari Media Enciety Network ingin menawarkan kerjasama dibidang Internet yang aksesnya langsung dari satelit dan KAMI JAMIN UNTUK KECEPATANNYA...Untuk gangguan kami pastikan tidak ada sama sekali...bahkan untuk cuaca buruk sekalipun.

    VSAT menjangkau daerah daerah yang tidak ada akses internetnya.( daerah terpencil ), baik sekali untuk perusahaan ( cabang yang tidak terjangkau akses internet ), yayasan, kampus, warnet, travel, villa, hotel dan lain sebagainya karena aksesnya langsung dari satelit bukan melalui tower yang disalurkan ke kabel kabel ( seperti kabel telpon )

    Kami memiliki teknologi yang sangat canggih dan untuk satelinya kami bekerjasama dengan pihak Hongkong ASIASAT 4 Speedcast Partner( bukan menggunakan PALAPA )...

    Rincian Biayanya :
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    Instalasi : Rp. 3.500.000,-

    Rincian paketnya :
    1:4 Silver ( IDIRECT) : 64 / 256 Kbps 8-10 PC Rp. 4.500.000,-
    128 / 512 Kbps 10-15 PC Rp. 7.500.000,-
    256 / 1024 Kbps 15-25 PC Rp. 10.000.000,-

    1:4 Gold (Ling Star) : 64 / 256 Kbps 8-10 PC Rp. 5.175.000,-
    128 / 512 Kbps 10-15 PC Rp. 8.050.000,-
    256 / 1024 Kbps 15-25 PC Rp. 11.500.000,-

    Biaya Deposite Perangkat Rp. 10.000.000
    Biaya Deposite Bandwidth Rp. Sesuai paket
    Akomodasi ( disesuaikan )


    Spesifikasi perangkat:

    * Parabola 1,8 meter dish
    * BUC 5 watt Njt5669_56F Lo Freq 4,90 Ghz
    * Modem i Direct 3100 Infinity dan Ling Star S1
    * LNB ( Low noise Block ) CBAND

    Untuk Perangkat kami pinjamkan secara keseluruhan.
    Untuk keterangan selengkapnya, silahkan menghubungi atau 0318437161/08977428366( Roy Candramawan Hadianto)
    Besar harapan kami agar dapat terjalin proses kerjasama.
    Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya kami sampaikan terima kasih.

    Media Enciety Network ( ISP Speedcast Partner )
    Roy Candramawan Hadianto

    CP: Roy CandramawanHadianto 08977428366
    office: Jl. Raya Jemur Andayani 51 Surabaya
    tlpn : 0318437161
