The Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste today resumed primary responsibility for policing in the enclave of Oecussi following a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and SRSG Atul Khare. Oecussi is the second district in which the PNTL have resumed responsibility in a gradual process which began with the eastern district of Lautem on 14 May this year. UNMIT maintains overall authority for policing under its Security Council mandate. Photo UNMIT/Antoninho Bernadino 
Photo by Antoninho Bernardino/UNMIT
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PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Oecussi

30 June 2009, Dili - Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (SRSG) for East Timor Atul Khare presided today over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de East-Timor(PNTL) in the District of Oecussi. 

The process started on 14 May when PNTL resumed primary policing responsibility in the district of Lautem. Today represents a second step in this process which is the result of a rigorous assessments conducted by joint teams composed of representatives of the Government of East Timor and UNMIT, including PNTL and UNPOL.  Agreement was also reached that the third step would be taken in Manatuto in the near future. 

The Government of  East-Timor and UNMIT are implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner based on joint assessments and on the preparedness of PNTL in each district and unit, in accordance with mutually agreed criteria. The UN Police will maintain their presence in the districts where the PNTL have resumed responsibilities, in order to support, provide advice and to monitor the PNTL, including in the area of human rights protection

The District of Oecussi is an 800 square kilometer costal enclave in the western half of the Timor Island. The District is separated from the rest of the country by Indonesian territory. 

For further information please contact Gyorgy Kakuk UNMIT Spokesperson +670 7230749 or Ivo Dos Santos, +670 7311782


PNTL asumi hikas responsabilidade sira polisiamentu nian ne’ebé prinsipál iha Oecussi

30 Junu 2009, Dili – Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian (RESJ) ba Timor-Leste, Atul Khare prezide ohin seremónia ne’ebé marka retomada responsabilidade sira prinsipál atu hala’o operasaun sira polísia nian hosi Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Oecussi. 

Prosesu ne’e hahú iha loron 14, fulan-Maiu bainhira PNTL asumi hikas fali responsabilidade polisiamentu nian iha distritu Lautém. Ohin reprezenta pasu daruak iha prosesu ida-ne’e, ne’ebé sai nu’udar rezultadu hosi avaliasaun ida-ne’ebé rigorozu, ne’ebé hala’o hosi ekipa konjunta sira, maka kompostu hosi reprezentante sira Governu Timor-Leste nian no UNMIT, inklui PNTL no UNPOL. Akordu mós hetan katak pasu datoluk sei hala’o iha Manatuto iha futuru besik mai. 

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT implementa hela daudaun prosesu retomada iha maneira graduál ida, ne’ebé bazeia ba iha avaliasaun konjunta sira no ba iha prontidaun PNTL nian iha kada distritu no unidade, tuir kritéria ne’ebé konkorda mutualmente. Polísia ONU nian sei maintein sira-nia prezensa iha distritu sira ne’ebé PNTL asumi hikas tiha ona responsabilidade sira, hodi apoia, fornese konsellu no atu monitoriza PNTL, inklui iha área protesaun direitus umanus nian. 

Distritu Oecussi ne’e nu’udar enklave kosta nian ida ho kilómetru kuadradu 800 iha parte loro-monu Illa Timór nian. Distritu ne’e haketak ho parte seluk Timor-Leste nian hosi territóriu Indonézia. 

Ba informasaun liu tan bele kontatu ba Gyorgy Kakuk portavoz UNMIT nian +670 7230749 ou Ivo dos Santos, +670 7311782 

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