
"FOSEO apela ba Governu RDTL atu tau matan ho seriu ba problema transporte maritima Oe-Cussi - Dili"

Not many will realize this but the Oe-Cusse Ferry not has been functioning for nearly 2 months.

These means that 60,000 citizens of Timor-Leste (6% of the total population) have had little or no access to their capital city, as few have passports and the money necessary to make the land journey, and even fewer have access to UN flights. Seems the ship is in Indonesia being repaired according to Indonesian “jam karet”.

So much for the Special Status of Oe-Cusse by the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. To be fair the Government is planning a ship maintenance facilty in Tibar, but what will that do to the reefs and beaches in the area.

The last line reads.

There is a plan to make a protest action if the Government does not serious respond to this problem quickly.

“planu atu halo aksaun protesta sei karik Governu la responde ho seriu ba problema ne’e iha tempu lais.”

For more information call the spokesman for the Oecusse Students Solidarity Forum Ozi da Cruz Salu iha: telemovel +670 7347176

--- On Mon, 8/6/09, itngo timo  wrote:

From: itngo timo
Subject: [ETSA] “FOSEO apela ba Governu RDTL atu tau matan ho seriu ba problema transporte maritima Oe-Cussi – Dili”
Date: Monday, 8 June, 2009, 3:16 AM


Komunikadu Imprensa
Atu Hasai Imediatamente

Dili, 5 Juñu 2009

“FOSEO apela ba Governu RDTL atu tau matan ho seriu ba problema transporte maritima Oe-Cussi – Dili”

Forum Solidariedade Estudante Enclave Oe-cussi (FOSEO) ne’ebé sai mahon ba estudante
Oe-cussi oan sira iha Dili oras ne’e dadaun preokupa teb-tebes ho situasaun transporte maritima ne’ebe durante ne’e sai meius transporte prinsipal entre Oe-Cussi no Dili.

Tanba operasaun Fery Nakroma ne’ebé paradu besik fulan rua ona, estudante Oe-cussi oan barak mak la bele hala’o aktividade eskola ho diak tanba osan transporte no hahan ne’ebé komesa hotu.

Konsekuensia a’at husi problema ne’e la’os deit afekta estudante sira maibe ema Oe-cussi hotu iha Dili no mos Oe-cussi.

Relasiona ho asuntu ne’e, FOSEO apela maka’as ba Governu RDTL atu ho seriedade buka dalan atu rezolve problema ne’e iha tempu lais.

Porta Voz FOSEO Ozi da Cruz Salu hateten katak, “Dezafiu bo’ot ida ne’e mos dezafia prosesu dezenvolvimentu povu Rejiaun Oe-cussi iha seitor oi-oin, liu-liu dezenvolvimentu administrativa no ekonomia povu Atoni Oe-cussi iha baze.”

Organizasaun ne’e oferta alternativa ida mak atu Governu RDTL buka ro seluk atu substitui Fery Nakroma durante Fery ne’e halo manutensaun.

Foin lalais ne’e, FOSEO organiza enkontru ida ho reprezentante Oe-cussi oan iha Kapital Dili husi grupu oi-oin atu bele diskuti kona-ba asuntu ne’e no rona preokupasaun Oe-cussi oan sira relasiona ho problema ne’ebé refere.

Durante enkontru ne’ebe akontese iha Dormitoriu Oe-cussi oan iha Kampung Merdeka Comoro ne’e, FOSEO konsegue hamosu Deklarasaun Pozisaun ida atu bele hato’o ba Governu.

Deklarasaun ne’e inklui ejijensia balun kona-ba saida mak FOSEO hanoin governu presiza halo atu bele hapara lalais problema transporte Oe-cussi – Dili. Deklarasaun ne’e mos hakerek kona-ba planu atu halo aksaun protesta sei karik Governu la responde ho seriu ba problema ne’e iha tempu lais.

Ba informasaun barak liu tan kona-ba asuntu ne’e, favor kontaktu Porta Voz FOSEO, Ozi da Cruz Salu iha: telemovel +670 7347176

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