Press Release 

UNFPA launches HIV/AIDS/STI project in Becora prison

Dili, 28 May,  2009 - Prisoners from Becora will be benefitted with the HIV/AIDS/STI project funded by the UNFPA to be launched concomitantly with a candle light memorial ceremony to be held at this penitentiary’s installations this Thursday 28 May at 9:00 a.m.   
This project, which will be implemented by the local Non-Governmental Organization Sharis Haburas Comunidade, is an initiative to provide quality services and accurate and updated information in the areas of HIV/AIDS/STI and provide holistic approach physically, spiritually and psychologically to all prisoners and prison staff, as well as to ensure a way for prisoners to move forward when they leave the prison. 

“In Timor Leste which is considered as a low prevalence country in terms of STI’s/HIV/AIDS, there is the National HIV/AIDS/STI Strategic Plan 2006-2010 with the overall aim of maintaining the country as a low prevalence HIV nation and minimize the adverse consequences for those who are HIV positive. However, prisoners were not given focus in terms of HIV prevention and care. To fill the identified gap UNFPA has funded this project that will provide accurate services to the prisoners in this regard” explained Dr. Hernando Agudelo, UNFPA Representative. 

 The project is also in collaboration with the faith based organization Holy Spirit Sisters, the Minitries of Health and Justice, the Bureau of Prisons, the National AIDS Commission and UNMIT’s HIV and Administration of Justice Support Units. 

For more information, please contact Mariano Redondo, tel: +670 7346517 and email:


Komunikadu Imprensa 


Dili, 28 Maiu, 2009 - Prizioneiru sira iha Bekora sei hetan benefísiu husi projetu HIV/AIDS/STI ne’ebé hetan fundu husi UNFPA; projetu ne’e sei lansa hamutuk ho serimónia memorial sunu-lilin ne’ebé sei hala’o iha instalasaun prizaun nian iha Loron Kinta-Feira 28 Maiu, tuku 09:00 dadeer.       

Projetu, ne’ebé sei implementa husi Organizasaun Naun-Governamentál Sharis Haburas Comunidade, nu’udar inisiativa atu fornese servisu ho kualidade nian no informasaun ne’ebé korretu no atuál iha área sira kona-ba HIV/AIDS/STI no atu fornese aprosimasaun fízika, espirituál no psikolójika ne’ebé olístiku ba dadur no pesoál sira prizaun nian, no mós atu asegura dalan ida ba dadur sira atu oinsá bele hakat ba oin bainhira sira sai husi prizaun. 

“Iha Timor Leste ne’ebé nu’udar nasaun ho prevalénsia ki’ik relasiona ho STI/HIV/AIDS, iha ona Planu Estratéjiku Nasionál 2006-2010 kona-ba HIV/AIDS/STI ho ninian objetivu tomak atu mantein rai ne’e nu’udar nasaun ne’ebé ninia prevalénsia HIV ki’ik no atu hamenus konsekuénsia desfavoravel sira ba ema sira ne’ebé hetan ona moras HIV pozitivu. Maski nune’e, dadur sira la hetan atensaun relasiona ho prevensaun no tratamentu HIV nian. Atu prienxe lakuna ne’ebé identifika tiha ona, UNFPA fó fundu ba projetu ida-ne’e ne’ebé sei fornese servisu korretu ba dadur sira” esplika Dr. Hernando Agudelo, Reprezentante UNFPA nian. 

Projetu ne’e mós hala’o liuhusi kolaborasaun ho organizasaun relijioza ida hanaran Holy Spirit Sisters, Ministériu Saúde no Ministériu Justisa, Gabinete Prizaun nian, Komisaun Nasionál ba HIV no UNMIT nia Unidade HIV no Unidade Apoiu ba Administrasaun Justisa. 

Hakarak informasaun liután, kontakta Mariano Redondo, tel: +670 7346517 no email:  

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