On the brink of hope


Observers may hold their breath in Timor-Leste as elections approach again, as the record for peace and stability is not encouraging. However, a senior UN official finds room for optimism.
THE former Portuguese colony of East Timor, annexed by Indonesia as Timor Timur, was wracked by violence before gaining hard-won independence as Timor-Leste in 2002.
But when Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri resigned in 2006, the new nation reverted to violent clashes, splitting society and the armed forces. Some 155,000 people fled their homes and the United Nations dispatched security forces to restore order.
Then as elections approached in 2007, factional violence erupted again. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao was attacked and Prime Minister José Ramos-Horta was badly injured.
Meanwhile, Timor-Leste applied to join the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean). The country now enters another crucial period as it prepares for both parliamentary and presidential elections from early next year.
Ameerah Haq (pic) is a 35-year veteran of the United Nations (UN) who concurrently serves as head of the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the country. She was in Kuala Lumpur recently and spoke about the situation in Timor-Leste.
Q: What is the purpose of your current visit to Malaysia?
A: It is for the conference (on East Asia’s contributions to peace-building in Timor-Leste), bringing together people from the region.
> The UN police force is due to withdraw by December next year. What happens if problems emerge later?
The presidential election is due early next year, and parliamentary elections towards the middle of the year.
As conditions for the withdrawal, UN Security Council members will take into account several factors.
These include whether the elections have been free and fair, and conducted without violence; whether the present calm and stability prevail; whether the results of the elections will be respected; whether the opposition will have the space to function as in a normal democracy; and whether the spirit of stability is in place.
> There have been reports of indiscipline and brutality among the local police (PNTL). Is it really ready to take over full policing duties for the whole country?
In general terms, all police forces of the world face certain charges. The PNTL is a newly-emerging institution.
The country itself is only 10 years old. For that period, it’s shown remarkable progress. The UN police are now there for primary policing duties. It handed over other policing duties in March this year.
We are now concentrating on capacity-building and mentoring.
> Have you ever considered that the December 2012 withdrawal date may be a little too ambitious?
No, our mandate was given by the Security Council. It was reached after looking at the restoration of peace and security after the 2006 crisis.
When those who had experienced the crisis look at the situation now, they are surprised at how remarkable the change has been.
People today feel the calm, safety and security in the country. If this situation of calm and security prevails (there should not be a problem). The Security Council can assess the situation as it develops.
> How do you find Timor-Leste’s response to questions of enlarging the UN’s role in areas like peacebuilding and the coming elections?
The Timor-Leste authorities have requested the support of the United Nations, and we will be doing exactly that.
The UN has been providing less and less assistance, because their own elected leaders have become stronger as they built themselves up. This has been happening right from 2002 through 2007 to 2012.
They have requested international observers for the elections. UN support will be there as per the request of the government.
> How has Timor-Leste lately lived up to its obligations on questions of justice and impunity?
Clearly there has been progress, with the establishment of a commission of inquiry and a committee on truth and reconciliation. And there has been follow-up on that, which is now in front of parliament.
It is for parliament to take forward these pieces of legislation. At the same time, there is also an active civil society calling for stronger action.
> How far have ethnic or tribal differences and conflicts been moderated?
It is not so much ethnic or tribal disputes, but since 2006, some of the factors contributing to conflict then have been addressed through the institutions of democracy.
But of course there are tensions as in any multi-party democracy. However, these are not being played out on the streets but in the halls of parliament.
> Do you accept that there are some things in peace and development that even the UN cannot do?
Yes, of course. This is a young nation; sometimes we hold nations that are just 10 years old to the same high standards as countries that are much older.
People need to understand that building the foundations of democracy take a long time. Within that context, Timor-Leste has done a lot to fulfil its Millennium Development Goals.
Not everything necessary has been done, and more needs to be done. In Malaysia you have Vision 2020; now Timor-Leste is also looking at long-term goals.
It requires investment.
> With elections within months, how long more do you think political stability will last?
I am optimistic because of the current climate of political stability.
Leaders of Timor-Leste across the political spectrum have been meeting and sending a common message to the public that the elections must be violence-free.
The 2006 crisis is still recent. It’s a reminder to people of how a country can be set back. They have a plan for the future, and they don’t want anything to reverse that.
There’s a political challenge because people want to be heard throughout the country. There are challenges, such as in the rural areas, but no rhetoric that is inflammatory.
> What are the prospects of international community support for UNMIT’s continued work?
Our Security Council-mandated mission came through members’ contributions. That our mission is to end is only something to celebrate, because it means Timor-Leste does not need this (outside help).
But UN activities will continue, which would require donors. That, I hope will happen.
> What are the differences within the Security Council on a further UN role?
The Security Council has not taken any position on that yet, but it will look at what will be a follow-up mission if (any) at all. The decision will be taken by the Security Council together with the Timor-Leste government, which are now looking at various alternatives for a successor (mission).
There’s certainly a consensus across the political spectrum on what the country’s needs and vision are. Timor-Leste is now in a very good position, through its own resources of oil and gas.
It’s managing these resources in an extremely responsible way. It does not have one cent of debt owed to anyone; it has a healthy position in resources.
> How different do you see a new government after the elections to be?
I don’t see a newly-elected government making any radical change from the way (the country) is proceeding now. That is, in terms of democracy, freedom of speech and press, institutions of democracy for public discussion and debate, and providing stimulus for socio-economic development.
> What are Timor-Leste’s biggest requirements from the international community?
Technical support to maintain and build security institutions, primarily the police, while its own capacities develop.
Also, institutional capacity-building, rule of law, justice, human rights, the right infrastructure decisions and implementing them.
For example, roads to rural areas, and implementing projects and programmes in health, education and human resource development.
> What has been UNMIT’s toughest challenge so far?
The Security Council mandate, in the provision and restoration of peace and security after the 2006 crisis.
(Essentially,) strengthening the national police as an institution, for a country almost devoid of peace and security, while building the capacity of these institutions.
Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/10/30/nation/9795546&sec=nation

Atleta Maratona Nain 2 Partisipa Eventu Internasional Iha Nova Yorke

Radio, online – Dia 27 Outubru 2011. Atleta maratona Timor-oan na’in rua, Calisto da Costa (tinan 28) husi distritu Lautem, no Lola Gonsalves Gama (tinan 19) husi distritu Liquisa sei partisipa iha eventu maratona internasional Nova Yorke, ne’ebe sei hala’o iha sidade Nova Yorke Estados Unidos, iha loron 6 fulan Novembru tinan ne’e.
Informasaun ne'e radioliberdadeonline.com liu husi komunikadu emprensa, Gabinete da informasaun Prezidenti da Republika foin Sesta, (8/10).
Hodi nune’e, iha loron Tersa-feira (25/10) atleta nain rua ne’e, hakat-an ba Palasio Prezidente Nicolao Lobato hodi komprimenta Prezidente Republika, Josè Ramos Horta molok husik hela Timor-Leste. Ohin, 27 Outubru 2011 ba nasaun Singapura hodi hala’o treinamentu durante semana ida iha nasaun refere no semo hikas ba sidade Nova Yorke hodi partisipa iha eventu internasional ne’e.
Iha sorumutu ne’e, Xefi Estadu Jose Ramos Horta husu ba Calisto no Lola atu bele fo sira nia esforsu tomak hodi hamorin liu-tan Timor-Leste nia naran iha Nova Yorke. Hatan-ba lian-menon Prezidente nian ne’e, Calisto no Lola hateten katak sira na’in rua sei esforsu-an maka’s hodi hetan rezultadu ne’ebe màksimu.
Iha komunikadu ne'e hateten, Xefi delegasaun Richard Bell hateten katak prezensa atleta Timor-oan sira iha Nova Yorke ne’e ho objektivu prinsipal hodi habelar no hamorin liu-tan Timor-Leste nia naran iha mundu.
Richard mos salienta liu-tan katak Calisto no Lola iha ona kapasidadae no mental ne’ebe preparadu hodi bele kompete ho atletas internasional sira seluk husi nasaun oi-oin ne’ebe sei partisipa iha eventu refere.
Entertantu atletas na’in rua ne’e hakat-an ba Nova Yorke tamba hetan apoiu husi Presidensia da Republika. Apoiu refere hanesan parte ida husi inisiativa Prezidente Ramos Horta nian iha programa “Dili Sidade Dame”.
Alende fo apoiu ba atletas na’in rua ne’e, iha programa “Dili Sidade Dame” nia okos, tinan ida ne’e Prezidensia Republika mos organiza eventu internasional balun hanesan kurida biskeleta “Tour de Timor”, eventu maratona internasional “Dili Internasional Marathon”, no “Fishing Competition”. 
THE WORLD'S ABORTION LAWS 2011 http://www.worldabortionlaws.com/map/

CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS Recently launched "The World's Abortion Laws 2011." If we compare Timor-Leste's abortion law vs North Korea, Indonesia & Sudan's abortion laws," Timor-Leste has a more restrictive law. For Example:

* EXPLICIT LIFE EXCEPTION: Abortion explicitly permitted to save a woman's live. 

Without Restriction as to reasons

* EXPLICIT LIFE EXCEPTION: Abortion explicitly permitted to save a woman's life.
*FETAL IMPAIRMENT: Abortion permitted in cases of fetal impairment.
* RAPE: Abortion permitted in cases of rape
* SPOUSAL AUTHORIZATION: Spousal authorization required


* EXPLICIT LIFE EXCEPTION: Abortion explicitly permitted to save a woman's live.
* RAPE: Abortion permitted in cases of rape

More info: 

Safe and Legal Abortion is a Woman's Human Right

Abortion Worldwide: Seventeen Years of Reform

Maternal Mortality, Unplanned Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Timor-Leste: A Situational Analysishttp://www.alolafoundation.org/images/programs/publications/Alola_Unsafe_Abortion_Report.pdf

ABORTION REFORM STILL NEEDED: ARTICLE 141 OF EAST TIMOR PENAL CODE MUST COMPLY WITH CONSTITUTION AND INTERNATIONAL LAW http:/www.jsmp.minihub.org/English/webpage/publica/Abortion%20Report%2020%20April_e.pdf

Artigu 141
Interrupsaun ba gravidéz

1. Ema ne'ebé halo feto isin-rua aborta, ho meiu naran ida no sem feto ne'e nia konsentimentu, sei hetan pena prizaun tinan 2 too tinan 8.

2. Ema ne'ebé halo feto isin-rua aborta, ho meiu naran ida no ho feto ne'e nia konsentimentu, sei hetan pena prizaun too tinan 3.

3. Feto isin-rua ne'ebé foo konsentimentu ba ema seluk atu pratika abortu, ka, nia rasik ka hodi ema seluk, provoka abortu ba nia an sei hetan pena prizaun too tinan 3.

4. Númeru anteriór sira nia dispozisaun la aplika iha kazu ne'e-bé interrupsaun ba gravidéz konstitui meiu úniku hodi evita perigu ba feto isin-rua ka ba fetu atu mate ka hetan lezaun grave no irreversivel ba nia isin ka ba nia saude fízika ka psíkika, naran katak médiku ka profisionál iha saude maka halo, iha estabelesimentu ba saúde, ho junta médika nia autorizasaun no supervizaun no ho feto isin-rua ka nia kónjuje nia konsentimentu.

5. Lejislasaun ketak sei regula n. 4 nia dispozisaun


Timnas Indonesia U-23 Cukur Timor Leste
Timnas Indonesia U-23 berhasil menaklukkan timnas Timor Leste U-23 dengan skor telak 5-0 dalam laga uji coba di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno sore ini (25/10).

25 Okt 2011 17:30:00
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Oleh Tegar Paramartha

Timnas Indonesia U-23 mampu membuktikan bahwa mereka telah siap untuk mengikuti ajang SEA Games pada bulan November mendatang, setelah mampu mencukur Timor Leste dengan skor telak 5-0, meskipun pada babak kedua permainan timnas Indonesia terlihat menurun. Empat gol dicetak oleh Indonesia di babak pertama melalui Abdul Rahman, Ferdinand Sinaga, Patrick Wanggai dan Egi Melgiansyah. Sementara itu, gol penutup dicetak oleh Syamsir Alam di menit ke-72.

Indonesia langsung unggul cepat melalui tandukan Abdul Rahman di menit ke-enam memanfaatkan tendangan sudut yang dieksekusi oleh Joko Sasongko.

Memperoleh momentum, satu menit kemudian Indonesia kembali menunjukkan ketajamannya. Kali ini Ferdinand Sinaga yang lolos dari jebakan offside berhasil menaklukkan kiper Timor Leste melalui tendangan kerasnya di kotak penalti dan membuat kedudukan menjadi 2-0.

Tertinggal dua gol dengan cepat, membuat Timor Leste mencoba tampil menyerang untuk memperkecil ketinggalan. Pada menit ke-14 Da Silva dengan cerdik melewati hadangan bek-bek Indonesia, beruntung tendangannya masih lemah sehingga dapat diantisipasi dengan baik oleh Andritany.

Timnas Indonesia kembali memperlebar jarak menjadi 3-0 di menit ke-17 melalui eksekusi tendangan penalti Patrcik Wanggai. Penalti itu sendiri diberikan setelah Oktovianus Maniani dilanggar bek Timor Leste di dalam kotak terlarang.

Indonesia kembali membuat suporter di stadion Gelora Bung Karno histeris setelah Egi Melgiansyah dengan sukses mengeksekusi tendangan penalti di menit ke-21. Penalti kedua untuk Indonesia tersebut didapat setelah bek Timot Leste melanggar Andik Vermansyah di kotak penalti.

Indonesia memperoleh dua peluang emas pada menit ke-26 dan ke-30, namun sayang penyelesaian Andik dan Patrick Wanggai gagal menemui sasaran meskipun mereka hanya tinggal berhadapan dengan kiper.

Timor Leste yang kesulitan menembus lini pertahan Indonesia, mencoba untuk memperkecil kedudukan melalui tendangan-tendangan jarak jauh. Namun, sigapnya lini pertahanan Indonesia mampu mematahkan peluang-peluang Timor Leste, kedudukan 4-0 bertahan hingga babak pertama berakhir.

Pada babak kedua, Indonesia menurunkan dua pemain binaan SAD Uruguay yaitu Syamsir Alam dan Yericho Christiantoko. Indonesia memperoleh peluang pertama melalui striker Persisam Samarinda, Yongki Aribowo, namun sayang tendangannya masih jauh melambung di atas gawang Timor Leste.

Menit ke-49, Timor Leste balik memperoleh peluang. Melalui tendangan bebas dari jarak yang ideal, Andritany dipaksa dengan susah payah menyelamatkan gawangnya dari kebobolan.
Peluang Timor Leste untuk menyamakan kedudukan semakin berat setelah salah satu pemain mereka, Wellington, harus diusir ke luar lapangan karena mendapatkan kartu kuning kedua pada menit ke-57.
Unggul jumlah pemain, Indonesia meningkatkan intensitas serangan. Pada menit ke-63, aksi individu Hasyim Kipuw hampir merobek jala Timor Leste untuk kelima kalinya, sayang tendangannya masih melenceng di sisi kanan gawang lawan.
Indonesia akhirnya berhasil memperlebar kedudukan menjadi 5-0 di menit ke-72. Gol kelima timnas dicetak oleh Syamsir Alam yang menyambar bola rebound tembakan Yongki yang tertahan di depan gawang Timor Leste.

Di bawah hujan deras yang mulai mengguyur lapangan, Timor Leste mulai mencoba untuk lebih menekan pertahanan Indonesia. Beberapa peluang yang Timor Leste ciptakan berhasil merepotkan kiper timnas U-23, namun tidak ada gol yang tercipta sehingga kedudukan 5-0 menjadi kedudukan akhir uji coba ini.

Kopassus banyak dituding melakukan pelanggaran HAM pada masa pemerintahan Soeharto.

AS Lanjutkan Kerjasama Militer Dengan Indonesia

Menteri Pertahanan AS Leon Panetta mengatakan AS akan melanjutkan kerjasama militer dengan Indonesia.
Menteri Pertahanan AS Leon Panetta mengatakan AS akan melanjutkan kerjasama militer dengan Indonesia.
Tetapi Washington menyatakan akan tetap mengawasi dengan seksama terkait dengan isu pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.
Leon Panetta mengatakan pertemuan tertutup antara dirinya dengan Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro berfokus pada ”Perkembangan penting Indonesia sebagai pemimpin global dan komitmen jangka panjang AS untuk keamanan dan kemakmuran kawasan ini.”
“Tahun ini saja, AS telah melakukan lebih dari 150 kegiatan, pertukaran dan kunjungan dengan militer Indonesia,” kata Panetta di Bali.
Panetta menegaskan AS akan tetap mengawasi kemungkinan pelanggaran HAM, mencatat insiden pekan lalu di Provinsi Papua dimana enam orang ditemukan tewas setelah pasukan keamanan menghentikan pertemuan massa pro kemerdekaan.
“Kami mendukung upaya Indonesia melawan separatisme di daerah tersebut tetapi ketika menyinggung soal pelanggaran hak asasi manusia… kami ingin menjamin bahwa tindakan diberikan bagi siapapun yang melanggar HAM,” kata Panetta.
“Kami peduli dengan peristiwa yang terjadi disana dan Menteri Pertahanan Yusgiantoro menjelaskan bahwa masalah itu kini dalam penyelidikan,” tambah Panetta.

Peningkatan Hubungan

“Kami mendukung upaya Indonesia melawan separatisme di daerah tersebut tetapi ketika menyinggung soal pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, kami ingin menjamin bahwa tindakan diberikan bagi siapapun yang melanggar HAM”
Leon Panetta
Hubungan militer Indonesia dengan AS sempat dibekukan selama lebih dari 12 tahun saat Presiden Soeharto berkuasa hingga 1998.
Pasukan Komando Khusus, TNI Angkatan Darat, Kopassus dituduh AS melakukan pelanggaran HAM di Papua, Timor Timur, dan Aceh semasa pemerintahan Soeharto.
Hubungan militer Indonesia dengan AS kembali dibuka pada tahun 2010, saat Menteri Pertahanan AS dipimpin oleh Robert Gates.
Seorang pejabat pertahanan senior yang datang bersama Panetta mengatakan kerjasama yang awalnya difokuskan pada pelatihan perwira TNI sekarang akan diperluas menjadi tingkat operasional, termasuk pelatihan hak asasi manusia.
Saat berkunjung ke Bali, Panetta juga bertemu dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sebelum melanjutkan kunjungan ke Jepang Senin (24/10) dan Korea Selatan Rabu (26/10).
Sumber : bbc indonesia

U-23 Timor Leste Diperkuat Pemain Portugal

Tim asuhan pelatih Antonio Carlos Viera tersebut mematok target tembus babak final.

SENIN, 24 OKTOBER 2011, 21:56 WIB
Toto Pribadi, Ali Usman
VIVAnews - Tim sepakbola Timor Leste kini bukan lagi sekedar tim hiburan dalam SEA Games. Negara yang memisahkan diri dari kedaulatan Indonesia pada 1999 tersebut mulai merangkak menjadi kekuatan baru sepakbola Asia Tenggara.
Bahkan, pada SEA Games XXVI mendatang, tim asuhan pelatih Antonio Carlos Viera tersebut mematok target tembus babak final.

Asisten pelatih timnas U-23 Timor Leste, Alex Vong mengatakan, dalam gelaran SEA Games kali ini pihaknya telah mempersiapkan dengan matang skuad U-23 yang dibawanya ke Jakarta. Untuk menambal kekuatan tim, tujuh pemain keturunan asal Australia dan Portugal diramu menjadi kekuatan baru pasukan Timor Leste.

Bahkan, kapten tim, Jese Antonio Pinto yang merupakan pemain berdarah Timor-Portugal yang menjadi pemain kunci timnas Timor Leste merupakan mantan pemain timnas U-16 Australia. Alex Vong mengatakan, keseriusan Timor Leste dalam membenahi skuad timnas SEA Game kali ini juga menjadi motivasi mereka untuk bisa berprestasi.

"Ada tujuh pemain keturunan dalam tim. Empat dari Portugal, tiga dari Australia. Kami memang sudah lama membentuk tim ini. Pemusatan latihan sendiri sudah berjalan enam bulan. Dari sekian laga uji coba tim, kami merasa sudah yakin untuk bisa tampil di SEA Games," ujar Alex di kantor PSSI, Senin 24 Oktober 2011.

Timnas Timor Leste berada di Grup B SEA Games XXVI bersama lima negara lain, Vietnam, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, dan Filipina. Sesuai jadwal, laga pertama Jese Antonio Pinto cs akan digelar melawan Brunei Darussalam. Berdasarkan jumlah tim, berada di Grup B dengan slot enam negara peserta, Timor Leste akan melakoni pertandingan penyisihan grup lebih banyak ketimbang Grup A yang dihuni lima negara. (umi)
• VIVAnews

Woodside, East Timor to Hold Talks on LNG Plant
October 21, 2011
Related articles

Australian oil and gas firm Woodside Petroleum aims to hold further talks with the East Timor government on its stalled Sunrise LNG project, the company said, but analysts played down the chances of an easy breakthrough to resolve the lengthy dispute.

East Timorese officials have told media in recent weeks that Woodside had agreed to revisit the idea of onshore processing from the Greater Sunrise gas field in the Timor Sea, which the East Timor government wants in order to create jobs, instead of a floating liquefied natural gas facility.

Woodside has sounded a more conciliatory note on Sunrise under its new chief executive officer, Peter Coleman, who recently held meetings with the government in Dili, but has stopped short of saying it will reconsider an onshore option.

“We strongly believe it is not beyond all of us to find a solution to the current impasse,” a Woodside spokesman said.

Under Woodside’s former chief executive, Don Voelte, known for his assertive style, the company’s negotiations with East Timor had become embittered, with each side accusing the other of intransigence and lack of good faith.

On one occasion, protesters prevented Voelte and other representatives of the joint venture from leaving an airport lounge for two hours, according to one media report.

Industry analysts said that while Woodside’s fresh approach was much needed, it was still unclear when and how the long conflict over the location of the LNG plant will be resolved.

“Through the long history of the project, there’s been multiple occasions on which there’s been a potential indication of a solution to the impasse or potential give from both sides,” said Benjamin Wilson, an analyst for JPMorgan Chase in Sydney. “The fact of the matter remains, it’s still stalled.”

Onshore production brings with it a host of engineering challenges as well as a higher price tag, said Di Brookman, an analyst with CLSA.

“At the end of the day, it’s the cost that’s going to be absolutely significant,” Brookman said.

Wilson agreed, saying a floating option was the most commercially viable.

“Whether they can still justify the project on a returns basis if they are required to build an onshore processing facility in Timor remains to be seen.”

Coleman has been cautious on when he may sanction other key projects.

He is counting on the 14.9 billion Australian dollar ($15.3 billion) flagship Pluto LNG project off Western Australia to ignite growth in 2012, but has said he is not going to be bound by the end-year deadline for deciding on expansion.

In its latest production report on Friday the company said that it remained committed to making a final investment decision on its Browse project by mid-2012. It also said that it would release early one of two rigs exploring for gas on the Pluto project.

Shares of Woodside fell 0.7 percent on Friday, extending the previous day’s 4 percent decline.  


Kasus Rawagede Bisa Picu Rakyat Timtim Adukan Indonesia ke Pengadilan HAM

Jumat, 23 September 2011 09:58 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jakarta -- Sejarawan Asvi Warman Adam mengatakan, gugatan yang dilakukan Komite Utang Kehormatan Belanda (KUKB) atas kasus pelanggaran HAM di Rawagede 1947, tidak akan mengganggu hubungan Indonesia dengan negeri kincir angin itu.

"Karena gugatan dilakukan atas nama warga, bukan atas nama negara," kata Asvi. "Menurut hemat saya, gugatan itu tidak akan memperburuk hubungan RI dengan Belanda." imbuhnya dia.

Ketua KUKB Batara Hutagalung menerangkan, negara-negara di Eropa, termasuk Belanda, telah meratifikasi Statuta Roma. Implikasi dari Statuta Roma, sambung dia, memungkinkan para korban pelanggaran HAM berat mengajukan gugatan kepada pemerintah negara-negara Eropa atas pelanggaran HAM yang mereka lakukan.

"Gugatan atas kasus Rawagede ini merupakan starting poin bagi terungkapnya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM lainnya yang pernah dilakukan oleh Belanda di masa lalu," kata Batara.

Menanggapi hal ini, Asvi mengatakan Belanda berkemungkinan akan menggunakan skenario 'kesalahan eksekusi' bukan pembantaian (genocide) dalam persidangan selanjutnya. Dengan demikian, Belanda tetap berupaya menampik tuduhan pelanggaran HAM tersebut.

Namun, lanjut Asvi, jika Pemerintah Belanda kalah dalam banding, maka Indonesia juga harus bersiap-siap untuk menerima tuntutan serupa atas berbagai kasus pelanggaran HAM yang pernah terjadi di Timor Leste.
"10 atau 20 tahun ke depan, warga Timor Leste bisa saja mengajukan tuntutan dengan cara yang sama kepada Pemerintah Indonesia," kata dia.

Redaktur: Stevy Maradona
Reporter: Ahmad Islamy Jamil